My Projects


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A React application based around pulling from multiple APIs.

Click here to go to the deployed application.

JWT Auth Template with MySQL
JWT Auth Template with MySQLmore_vert

To see the GitHub for this project click here.

JWT Auth Template with MySQLclose

A SERN Stack application for developers trying start an application using the SERN stack.

Click here to go to the deployed application.

JWT Auth Template with Hooks
JWT Auth Template with Hooksmore_vert

To see the GitHub for this project click here.

JWT Auth Template with Hooksclose

A MERN Stack application for developers trying start an application using the MERN stack.

Click here to go to the deployed application.


To see the GitHub for this project click here.


A MERN Stack application about pokemon and keeping track of your favorite ones.

Click here to go to the deployed application.

Restaurants Around the World
Restaurants Around the Worldmore_vert

To see the GitHub for this project click here.

Restaurants Around the Worldclose

A MERN Stack application where users can look up restaurants around the world and save them to their favorites.

Click here to go to the deployed application.

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